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CST2009版改進或新增功能(來自MicroWave Journal 2008年10月刊)

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微波EDA (qoerio.com) 網(wǎng)友回復:

  • 網(wǎng)友回復

    Oh,it is goood ,CSt software I want to get it
  • 網(wǎng)友回復

  • 網(wǎng)友回復

    依照CST以往的慣例,....出了 2009之後,很快就會有 SP1......SP2.......!
  • 網(wǎng)友回復

  • 網(wǎng)友回復

    依照CST以往的慣例,....出了 2009之後,很快就會有 SP1......SP2.......! 呵呵,新版本bug 較多,補丁也多。
  • 網(wǎng)友回復

    Service Pack 2009.02
    General / Environment

    Horizontal axis labeling of 1D Polar Plots is now adapted depending on the window size.

    Fixed issue with occasionally lost connection to the licenser server for some node locked licensing schemes.

    DC system can now handle result files larger than 4GB.

    Modeler / Structure Visualization

    Fixed problem when saving a modified note.

    Fixed aligning of a WCS on a selected edge.

    Improved bending a sheet on cones and elliptical cylinders.

    Fixed bending issue for some spline faces.

    Repaired inconsistent rebuild behavior in combination with manual healing feature.

    Fixed wrong context menu for notes in the 1D result tree folder.

    Removed entity check for entities outside computational domain.

    Improved behavior of splash screen  when opening big files.

    Freshly loaded empty projects do not show the 'modified asterisk' anymore.

    Improved visualization when interactively transforming a Voxel model.

    Repaired picking of points on partial spheres.

    Implemented slider for adjusting transparency of unselected solids. New feature!

    Added 'Hide Unselected' to the component context menu. New feature!

    Hexahedral (Hex) Mesh

    Added MPI feature: Merge of short-circuited gaps.

    Tetrahedral (Tet) Mesh

    Repaired problem with corner periodic edges at transitions between PEC and normal material.

    Added error message for non-PEC sheet overlapping waveguide port before meshing.

    Acceleration of the self-intersection check during mesh creation.

    Coupled Simulation

    Improved warnings and errors for transient EM/circuit co-simulation.

    Transient Solver / Eigenmode Solver

    Eigenmode solver did not start distributed for Classic Powell optimizer if DC was enabled only in the solver dialog box.

    Fixed issue in setup of PML in MPI mode.

    Implemented periodic boundaries for hardware acceleration. New feature!

    Frequency Domain  (FD) Solvers

    The frequency domain solver with tetrahedral mesh now features tabulated surface impedance material models. New feature!

    Improved the tetrahedral mesh refinement and quality enhancement for thin side walls of PEC and lossy metal.

    The Tet-FD solver's port mesh refinement time was missing in the mesh adaptation log files.

    Integral Equation Solver

    Fix problem for iterative MLFMM (AP) with more than one mode per port.

    Automatic solver choice adjusted.

    CST EM STUDIO Solvers

    Added inductance matrix computation for tetrahedral magnetostatic solver (linear case).  New feature!

    Added capacitance matrix computation for tetrahedral electrostatic solver.  New feature!


    Fixed the update mechanism of tracking particle monitors after a solver run.

    Post Processing / Fields

    Fixed magnitude of Abs for evaluate field along curve.


    Radial component of 1D nearfield cuts for Ludwig2 coordinates fixed.

    Message handling during farfield animation reworked.

    TD farfield probes with general background material fixed.

    Farfield total isotropic sensitivity available via VBA. New feature!


    Problem with PEEC model within the circuit simulator kernel resolved.  

    Fix wrong results of electrical transmission line block for Zc != 50 ohm.

    S-parameter simulation task can now handle 1 frequency point correctly.

    Problem in VBA parameter sweep/optimization commands resolved.

    CST CS/CST PCBS schematic blocks do not trigger unneeded PEEC/TL modeling runs anymore.

    Wrong impedances of MWS block if DSN file is incomplete resolved.

    Fix problem that caused slow loading and growing .des files in some cases.

    Fix wrong results of APLAC transmission line block for Zc unequal 50 ohm.

    Fixed issue in combine results with FD-IE.

    Added CST DS optimizer and parameter sweep option to the Job Control Center. New feature!


    Problems in PEEC modeling kernel resolved.

    Problems in TL-Modelling kernel repaired.

    Zuken CR-5k import problem resolved.

    User interface problem in connection with keyboard input resolved.

    VBA / Macros

    New macro to "Show Total Isotropic Sensitivity (TIS)" available in farfield mode. New feature!

    CST DS result templates for S,Y,Z, frequency handling corrected.

    New macro to import multiple CAD files (Macros -> File -> Import multiple CAD files). New feature!

    Service Pack 2009.01
    General / Environment

    Added option to specify a user defined fixed color and shape of markers in 1D plots. New feature!

    Improved drawing of toolbar icons in the command tab of the customize dialog.

    Changes in the conductivity of the conducting wall boundary condition are recorded in the history correctly.

    Fixed some problems with the detection of CPU sockets and cores.

    Corrected multi selection behavior of navigation tree.

    Fixed special issue with 1D plot for single points.

    Updated ECCOSORB® material data in the material library.

    Improved visualization of folder icons in the navigation tree.

    Repaired wait cursor problem during parameter sweep.

    Repaired issue of missing status bar updates, if a 1D plot was activated.

    Job Control Center

    Fixed file filters for the project files of the Job Control Center (.jlc file) in the open dialog when using Windows Vista.

    Distributed Computing

    Automatic update did not create full path for new components.

    Fixed bug in distributed parameter sweep if last parameter combination has already been defined.

    Distributed Computing did not work with "Classic Powell" optimizer.

    Modeler / Structure Visualization

    Fixed inconsistency between hot selection and picking.

    Enabled asking for deletion of results if alignment tool is used.

    Fixed saving of face color and color of the axes if not multicolored.

    Made using 'tab' while picking a face or solid a bit more tolerant.

    Corrected behavior of transversal fixed layer stacking when starting the solver directly after opening the project.

    Import / Export

    Gerber Multilayer import: Diel. losses are imported as const. fit tang. delta material now.

    Gerber Multilayer Import: Repaired material color issue.

    Hexahedral (Hex) Mesh

    "Mesh line ratio governs local mesh refinement" setting is enabled for wires, coils and particle sources.

    Added diagnostic messages for face ports defined at boundaries or symmetry planes.  

    Tetrahedral (Tet) Mesh

    Refinement requirements for face ports and sheets were ignored when creating the fast surface mesh.

    Model mesh size settings could be ignored by surface optimizer for models with large bounding box.

    Fixed loss of precision for geometry vertices after fast surface meshing.

    Added projection after fast surface meshing.

    Added possibility of snapping for arbitrarily refined geometries.

    Improved and simplified the unit cell mesh preparation, especially for the bounding-box centered unit cell.

    Coupled Simulation

    Reworked and corrected transient EM/circuit co-simulation with waveguide ports.

    Deactivated farfield monitors for DS Co-Simulation.

    Transient Solver

    New CUDA (Compute Unified Device Architecture) based implementation for Hardware acceleration. New feature!

    Fixed loading of human model data for adaptive port meshing runs.

    Display of logarithmically scaled system efficiencies repaired.

    Fixed activation of TSTs for port adaptation of structures containing periodic boundaries.

    Corrected reload of results after adaptive port meshing run.

    Fixed line impedance at strongly inhomogeneous ports.

    Frequency Domain  (FD) Solvers

    Added field probes for Tet-FD. New feature!

    Improved the processing of lossy metal sheets with PEC or face port sheets touching the lossy metal.

    Fixed an issue of the Tet-FD solver with lossy metal sheets touching solid PEC.

    Improved the residual output.

    The Tet-FD solver now supports energy density and power loss monitors. New feature!

    Improved the speed and memory consumption of the Tet-FD solver's matrix setup, especially for large structures.

    Snapping new nodes to boundary can now be combined with quality enhancement refinement. New feature!

    Integral Equation Solver

    Improved mesh time for surface mesher.

    Improved fast monostatic RCS predefined macro and VBA command for arbitrary linear polarizations.

    Activate parallel near field fill for MLFMM.

    The AP- and the Diag-preconditioner were improved for the Iterative (MoM) solver.

    CST EM STUDIO Solvers

    Added material monitors for LT solver. New feature!

    Added convergence plot for the non-linear LT solver. New feature!

    Fixed problem in error estimator of tetrahedral LF and magnetostatic solver.

    The LF full wave solver now writes a warning if the mesh does not resolve the wavelength.

    EMS will now report an error if incompatible HF-material types (e.g. lossy metal) are used.

    Improved the non-linear update in the LT solver.


    Added new ASCII import for the particle interface of the PIC solver.  New feature!

    The PIC solver will not abort anymore if a source is defined on a non-PEC material.

    Post Processing / Fields

    Fixed distribution of arrow plots for 3D optimized arrow plots.

    Fixed animation problem with  2D vector plotting.

    Fixed field value at cursor position when using the average method.

    Text was not displayed correctly when evaluating field on curve of face.


    Resolved problem of missing time signals for farfield probes.

    User input check of the farfield dialog improved.

    Repaired problem for origin "Bounding box" when using TD farfield probes.


    ASCII-Import of transient sources did not work if file ends with new lines.

    Repaired renaming of probes.

    Fixed performance problem in Spice MOR for TD analysis.

    Replacement of parameter name by value did not update the label of circuit elements.

    Improved modification detection of file blocks.

    Allow more than one transient bit signal for simultaneous excitation.

    Improved error message for blocks with conflicting frequency ranges.


    Macro execution problem resolved.

    Shut down request by Java is handled correctly now.

    New log file viewer added. New feature!

    Improved PCB import feature.

    Repaired problem of missing pads after a PADS file import.

    Resolved runtime issue of layout checker.

    VBA / Macros

    Repaired the macro 'Wizard->Compare Multiple Runs'.

    The parameter animation in macro 'Graphics->Save Video' works again.

    New macros for logarithmic spiral and 3D Helical Inductors (Construct -> Coils -> ...) New feature!

    Added new VBA commands to access vertices of solids and curves. New feature!

    New macro to create vias that follow a planar polygonal curve (Construct -> Via -> ...)  New feature!


  • 網(wǎng)友回復

    Thank you for the sharing
  • 網(wǎng)友回復

    依照CST以往的慣例,....出了 2009之後,很快就會有 SP1......SP2.......! 呵呵 你還真是了解CST哈 佩服……實在是佩服……
  • 網(wǎng)友回復

  • 網(wǎng)友回復



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