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圖1中,Simlab是我們的戰(zhàn)略合作伙伴、Gerber是應(yīng)用于板級的、Nastran是建模用的、Cadence Allegro是大名鼎
鼎的EDA軟件、PRO/E Wildfire 3、CATIA V5 R17以及Autodesk Inventor 11都是CST可以吃進的CAD格式。



圖2中,IBIS導入是應(yīng)用于板級仿真的,Mentor Graphics Expedition、Zuken CR 5000等都是PCB板的各種格式,CST都與它們之間有著相應(yīng)接口。



微波EDA (qoerio.com) 網(wǎng)友回復:

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    好象不支持Allegro 16.2,支持到15.7。
  • 網(wǎng)友回復

    This list provides an overview of some of the most important changes in CST STUDIO SUITE™ 2009.
    General / Environment

    Re-design of the graphical user interface.

    Improved startup time.

    Multiple 1D plot windows.

    New CST PCB Studio.

    New CST CABLE Studio.

    Two new global optimizer strategies: Genetic Algorithm and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO)

    The problem type is stored in the history now.

    Improved edit fields for redundant license servers.

    The ADS link is available for 64 bit now.

    A result reading DLL is available now.

    New Thermal problem class for CST PARTICLE STUDIO.

    Curve markers and annotation in 1D plots for CST MWS, CST EMS and CST PS projects.

    Improved window handling now supports intelligent tile features: tile three, tile four.

    Added possibility to set a global default range for 1D dB-Plots.

    The example directory for opening examples via OnlineHelp may be changed via environment variable.

    Job Control Center

    Added Thermal Transient Solver to the Job Control Center.

    Added saving and loading of Job Lists.

    New options: Reset all Jobs to Waiting and Compress Job List

    Distributed Computing

    Distributed Computing now uses the same update mechanism as the frontend for Windows.

    Improved the automatic update function for Linux (e.g. new user feedback dialog box).

    Remote connection to other Main Controllers is now possible to check the status, the log file or en- or disable connected Solver Servers.

    Added priority field for simple manual load balancing to Solver Server.

    Added description field to Solver Server.

    Added /withdc command line option to Job Control Center, so that all jobs where DC is enabled can be started on a specific machine.

    Significantly reduced the needed disk space by submitting only changed files.

    The default number of auto-sampling DC jobs can now be set for the Frequency Domain and the Integral Equation solvers.

    Structure Visualization

    Improved visualization of the global and local coordinate axes.

    Added option to specify a color for thin coordinate axes, rubberband construction and the working plane.

    Added automatic adjustment of selection transparency depending on the total number of shapes.

    Improved visualization quality for reflective surfaces.

    Mouse mode for zoom, pan or, rotate is saved in the registry


    64 bit support added for 3D frontend and CAD imports.

    Upgraded the CAD kernel to ACIS R18 SP3.

    Reduced memory footprint for CST MWS-, CST EMS- and CST PS- models.

    Added new Bend Sheet feature.

    Added mouse interaction for transformations and re-engineered the transform dialog.

    Added new positioning and aligning feature (Objects->Align) for selected objects or after copy/paste and sub-project import.

    New shortcut CTRL+T for Objects->Transform.

    New group mechanism for solids to change common properties more easily.

    Added preview to Thicken Sheet / Shell Object.

    Spheres have now pick able points.

    Implementing angle feedback and angle specification for arc curves.

    Added preview function for rotate WCS and move local WCS.

    Two new options PickDanglingEdges and PickJunctionEdges replace the old ShowDanglingEdges.

    Pick face is now possible for waveguide ports.

    EDA Import

    Revised general workflow.

    CST PCBMod and CST PCBStudio databases: geometry, stackup, terminals, lumped elements.

    Cadence-CST-Link: Support for Cadence v16 (Allegro/APD).

    ODB++: Support of latest ODB++ database version 7.

    Improved PCB preview (restriction of import to selected nets, automatic generation of selection area from selected nets).

    Import / Export

    Support for CATIA V5 R18 files

    Support for Autodesk Inventor 12 and ACIS R18 files

    During a sub project import or copy & paste, the local mesh settings are adjusted to the local scale factor.

    Sub-project import now also supports curves, thin wires and solid wires.

    New GERBER single layer export.

    Added NASTRAN export.

    Added handling of PSOLID, CTETRA and CHEXA entity types for NASTRAN file import.

    Added attribute reading to NASTRAN import.

    Nastran Import Material names are read for CBEAM elements.

    The voxel import has been improved.

    Hexahedral (Hex) Mesh

    Improved performance of subgrid smoothing in the presence of PEC sheets.

    Extend x/y/z range by... local mesh refinement setting is now available for subgrids.

    Added the possibility to control the subgrid mesh with "dummy solids".

    Global mesh parameters Lines per wavelength and Lower mesh limit can now be specified as floating point numbers.

    Tetrahedral (Tet) Mesh

    64 Bit support added.

    Bisection based adaptive refinement.

    New mesh nodes can be snapped to geometry during mesh refinement.

    Anisotropic Curvature Refinement for all surface meshing methods.

    Automatic repair of self-intersecting model faces during mesh preparation.

    Geometric tolerance for model preparation can be increased by the user.

    Change of solid identification in model preparation (improved robustness).

    Use of an internal slim mesh format for faster I/O. (currently available in CST EMS only)

    Improved adaptive refinement for anisotropic structures like microstrips. (currently available in CST MWS only)

    Global mesh parameters Steps per wavelength and Min. number of steps can now be specified as floating point numbers.

    Coupled Simulation

    True Transient Circuit EM Co-simulation.

    Transient Solver

    MPI Parallelization with domain decomposition.

    True Transient Circuit EM Co-simulation.

    Mesh adaptation with 0D result template stop criteria.

    Automatic reload of previously calculated port modes.

    Inhom. port accuracy enhancement and broadband ports make use of Result File Maps.

    Performance improvements of convolution PML and surface impedance feature.

    Performance improvements in solver setup, monitor updates and monitor post processing.

    Removed transient solver parallelization limitation for small mesh cell number.

    Integrated new Acceleware DLLs to support electrical dispersive materials for hardware acceleration.

    Activated discrete face ports for hardware acceleration.

    Implemented 2D monitors for hardware acceleration.

    Frequency Domain  (FD) Solvers

    The tetrahedral mesh refinement now features two alternate error indicators and several refinement strategies.

    Port mesh and 3D tetrahedral mesh refinement with snapping of new nodes to geometry is available as an option.

    Improved strategy for the tetrahedral mesh refinement with limitation of the mesh growth to a given percentage.

    The phase deembedding for Floquet ports is now available from within the Floquet port dialog.

    The automatic farfield array factor for unit cell farfields is now available as for regular farfields.

    Increased the out-of-core performance of the Tet-FD solver for waveguide ports with multiple modes.

    The iterative 2nd order Tet solvers process multiple ports and modes in parallel now.

    Integral Equation Solver

    New iterative MoM solver available.

    New iterative MLFMM solver with automatic preconditioning is available.

    New preconditioner available.

    Enabled multithreading for all linear equation system solver.

    Enabled filamentary current source.

    Enabled multipole coefficient calculation for farfield source.

    Enabled ground plane feature (for Direct MoM and iterative MoM).

    Improved solver specials dialog and default settings.

    Improved calculation time and accuracy of radiated power calculation.

    Changed default solver order to first.

    Changed MLFMM accuracy settings incl. default value.

    Changed material type Ohmic Sheet from impenetrable to penetrable.

    Changed frequency list default: Automatic frequency sweep is disabled.

    Thermal Solvers

    New Transient Thermal Solver.

    Both thermal solvers are able to consider special properties of biological material.

    Import of thermal loss data from external CST projects.

    CST EM STUDIO Solvers

    New LF Time Domain Solver (magneto-quasistatics) with adaptive time-stepping.

    Mesh adaptivity available also for tetrahedral LF and Magnetostatic solver.

    Improved mesh adaptivity for tetrahedral Electrostatic and Stationary Current Solver.


    Particle interfaces which allow to connect tracking-simulations with PIC-simulations.

    Secondary emission and Fowler Nordheim emission models are available for the PIC solver.

    Kinetic and angle spread are available for all PIC solver emission models.

    New PIC 2D particle-monitor with ASCII export and VBA commands to access particle data via command line.

    Sheets can be chosen to be transparent for particles.

    Improved memory management for the PIC solver.

    Post Processing / Fields

    Speed-up for 3D contour plots.

    Add dB scaling for 2D plots.

    Added transparency option to 2d scalar plots.

    Memory improvements and 64 bit support in the post processing.

    Single-ended modes can be found in result tree.

    Introduced probe monitor fields.


    Farfield calculation speed up.

    Transparent 3D farfield plot with structure display.

    Farfield efficiencies also available in dB.

    Animation and accuracy setting for Broadband Farfields.

    Axial ratio according IEEE (not inverted).

    Automatic setup for unit cell farfield arrays.

    Axes / Origin / Array / Phase Center for all solvers, unit cell and broadband farfields.

    Decoupling plane for the Tet-FD nearfield calculation.

    All farfield plot types support all coordinate systems including Ludwig.

    Total Radar Cross Section (RCS) and Absorption Cross Section (ACS) output in RCS plots.

    Implemented combine results for unit cell farfields.


    New Circuit Simulator with efficient usage of dense and sparse matrix techniques.

    Display total duration of Gaussian pulse in transient task page.

    Implement fully automatic solver choice in S-Parameter task.

    Optional deletion of not empty DSS file implemented.

    Admittance Smith chart view with markers for 1D results.

    Changed semantics of open pins from perfectly absorbed to ideal open.


    Several new and improved microstrip blocks.

    Additional models for all standard microstrip and stripline blocks based on 2D EM data.

    All standard microstrip blocks have now a stripline equivalent

    SimLab TL/PEEC file block (for models from CableMod and PCBMod)

    Added 3D evaluation with CST MWS for microstrip line block.

    Added block Stripline Edge Coupled Lines.

    Add length parameter to microstrip open end block.

    VBA / Macros

    Added VBA command for disabling/enabling fixpoints for dielectrics and PEC.

    Added VBA macros for visualization of the smallest mesh step.

    VBA command Pick.ExportFacePoints added.

    Enabled switching on output of TRP (total radiated power) in 3D farfield view via VBA command.

    Hearing Aid Compatibility (HAC) used in new Macro

    GetMeshMaterialAtPoint: Faster access to material parameters.

    Result3DObject for Tet used in existing Template "Mix 3D Fields" (before only Hex)

    Field line macro: Improved start points.
  • 網(wǎng)友回復

    Service Pack 2009.01
    General / Environment

    Added option to specify a user defined fixed color and shape of markers in 1D plots. New feature!

    Improved drawing of toolbar icons in the command tab of the customize dialog.

    Changes in the conductivity of the conducting wall boundary condition are recorded in the history correctly.

    Fixed some problems with the detection of CPU sockets and cores.

    Corrected multi selection behavior of navigation tree.

    Fixed special issue with 1D plot for single points.

    Updated ECCOSORB® material data in the material library.

    Improved visualization of folder icons in the navigation tree.

    Repaired wait cursor problem during parameter sweep.

    Repaired issue of missing status bar updates, if a 1D plot was activated.

    Job Control Center

    Fixed file filters for the project files of the Job Control Center (.jlc file) in the open dialog when using Windows Vista.

    Distributed Computing

    Automatic update did not create full path for new components.

    Fixed bug in distributed parameter sweep if last parameter combination has already been defined.

    Distributed Computing did not work with "Classic Powell" optimizer.

    Modeler / Structure Visualization

    Fixed inconsistency between hot selection and picking.

    Enabled asking for deletion of results if alignment tool is used.

    Fixed saving of face color and color of the axes if not multicolored.

    Made using 'tab' while picking a face or solid a bit more tolerant.

    Corrected behavior of transversal fixed layer stacking when starting the solver directly after opening the project.

    Import / Export

    Gerber Multilayer import: Diel. losses are imported as const. fit tang. delta material now.

    Gerber Multilayer Import: Repaired material color issue.

    Hexahedral (Hex) Mesh

    "Mesh line ratio governs local mesh refinement" setting is enabled for wires, coils and particle sources.

    Added diagnostic messages for face ports defined at boundaries or symmetry planes.  

    Tetrahedral (Tet) Mesh

    Refinement requirements for face ports and sheets were ignored when creating the fast surface mesh.

    Model mesh size settings could be ignored by surface optimizer for models with large bounding box.

    Fixed loss of precision for geometry vertices after fast surface meshing.

    Added projection after fast surface meshing.

    Added possibility of snapping for arbitrarily refined geometries.

    Improved and simplified the unit cell mesh preparation, especially for the bounding-box centered unit cell.

    Coupled Simulation

    Reworked and corrected transient EM/circuit co-simulation with waveguide ports.

    Deactivated farfield monitors for DS Co-Simulation.

    Transient Solver

    New CUDA (Compute Unified Device Architecture) based implementation for Hardware acceleration. New feature!

    Fixed loading of human model data for adaptive port meshing runs.

    Display of logarithmically scaled system efficiencies repaired.

    Fixed activation of TSTs for port adaptation of structures containing periodic boundaries.

    Corrected reload of results after adaptive port meshing run.

    Fixed line impedance at strongly inhomogeneous ports.

    Frequency Domain  (FD) Solvers

    Added field probes for Tet-FD. New feature!

    Improved the processing of lossy metal sheets with PEC or face port sheets touching the lossy metal.

    Fixed an issue of the Tet-FD solver with lossy metal sheets touching solid PEC.

    Improved the residual output.

    The Tet-FD solver now supports energy density and power loss monitors.

    Improved the speed and memory consumption of the Tet-FD solver's matrix setup, especially for large structures.

    Snapping new nodes to boundary can now be combined with quality enhancement refinement. New feature!

    Integral Equation Solver

    Improved mesh time for surface mesher.

    Improved fast monostatic RCS predefined macro and VBA command for arbitrary linear polarizations.

    Activate parallel near field fill for MLFMM.

    The AP- and the Diag-preconditioner were improved for the Iterative (MoM) solver.

    CST EM STUDIO Solvers

    Added material monitors for LT solver. New feature!

    Added convergence plot for the non-linear LT solver. New feature!

    Fixed problem in error estimator of tetrahedral LF and magnetostatic solver.

    The LF full wave solver now writes a warning if the mesh does not resolve the wavelength.

    EMS will now report an error if incompatible HF-material types (e.g. lossy metal) are used.

    Improved the non-linear update in the LT solver.


    Added new ASCII import for the particle interface of the PIC solver.  New feature!

    The PIC solver will not abort anymore if a source is defined on a non-PEC material.

    Post Processing / Fields

    Fixed distribution of arrow plots for 3D optimized arrow plots.

    Fixed animation problem with  2D vector plotting.

    Fixed field value at cursor position when using the average method.

    Text was not displayed correctly when evaluating field on curve of face.


    Resolved problem of missing time signals for farfield probes.

    User input check of the farfield dialog improved.

    Repaired problem for origin "Bounding box" when using TD farfield probes.


    ASCII-Import of transient sources did not work if file ends with new lines.

    Repaired renaming of probes.

    Fixed performance problem in Spice MOR for TD analysis.

    Replacement of parameter name by value did not update the label of circuit elements.

    Improved modification detection of file blocks.

    Allow more than one transient bit signal for simultaneous excitation.

    Improved error message for blocks with conflicting frequency ranges.


    Macro execution problem resolved.

    Shut down request by Java is handled correctly now.

    New log file viewer added. New feature!

    Improved PCB import feature.

    Repaired problem of missing pads after a PADS file import.

    Resolved runtime issue of layout checker.

    VBA / Macros

    Repaired the macro 'Wizard->Compare Multiple Runs'.

    The parameter animation in macro 'Graphics->Save Video' works again.

    New macros for logarithmic spiral and 3D Helical Inductors (Construct -> Coils -> ...) New feature!

    Added new VBA commands to access vertices of solids and curves. New feature!

    New macro to create vias that follow a planar polygonal curve (Construct -> Via -> ...)  New feature!
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    cad一般都是二維圖,cst 可以導入它的三維嗎?
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