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CMU200 射頻測(cè)試使用操作培訓(xùn) —— Bluetooth機(jī)測(cè)試篇



        CMU200 是德國(guó)羅德-施瓦茨(Rohde-Schwarz,R&S)生產(chǎn)的手機(jī)綜測(cè)儀,可以用于GSM、WCDMA、CDMA2000 等各種制式的射頻性能測(cè)試。CMU200和Agilent 8960是手機(jī)研發(fā)設(shè)計(jì)和生產(chǎn)過(guò)程中最常用的兩款綜測(cè)儀,對(duì)于手機(jī)射頻工程師和測(cè)試工程師,掌握CMU200的使用操作是必不可少的工作技能要求。

        01. CMU200 藍(lán)牙測(cè)試操作指南
        02. CMU200 Operating Manual for Bluetooth Tests

01. CMU200 藍(lán)牙測(cè)試操作指南


02. CMU200 Operating Manual for Bluetooth Tests—— 313頁(yè)P(yáng)DF

        The present operating manual describes the application of the CMU200 for Bluetooth device tests. It gives comprehensive information about the installation of the required software options and about manual and remote control of the instrument. For introduction, some typical measurement tasks are explained in detail using the functions of the graphical user interface.
        The manual is organized as follows:
        Chapter 1: Installation
        Describes the steps necessary for installing the software and putting the instrument into operation.
        Chapter 2: Getting Started
        Gives an introduction to the application of the CMU for Bluetooth device tests and presents some typical measurement examples.
        Chapter 3: Manual Operation
        Gives an overview of the user interface and describes the concepts of measurement control and instrument configuration.
        Chapter 4: Functions and their Application
        Represents the reference chapter providing detailed information on all functions of the user interface and their application.
        Chapter 5: Remote Control – Basics
        Describes the basics of remote control of the instrument for GSM base station tests.
        Chapter 6: Remote Control – Commands
        Lists all remote control commands for Bluetooth device tests. At the end of the chapter the commands are grouped together according to their function (measurement groups or configurations) and sorted in alphabetical order.
        Chapter 7: Remote Control – Program Examples
        Chapter 9: Error Messages
        Contains a list of error messages that may occur during operation.
        Chapter 10: Index
        Contains an index for the operating manual.




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