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Add Trace Characteristics

You can add or clear additional characteristics to a selected trace. To add additional characteristics to a selected trace:

1. Select a trace in a report plot or legend.

2. Click Report 2D>Trace Characteristics, or right-click on the selected trace to display the short cut menu.

3. Select Trace Characteristics>Add....

This displays the Add Trace Characteristics dialog.

4. Select the Category, and then an associated Function to apply. The available categories depend on the plot, and Category enables the display of associated functions.



Functions for the Category


max, min, pk2pk, rms, avg, integ, integabs, avgabs, rmsAC, ripple, pkavg, XatYMin, XatYMax, XatYVal


pulsefall9010, pulsefront9010, pulsefront3090, pulsemax, pulsemaxtime, pulsemin, pulsemintime, pulsetail50, pulsewidth5050, pw_plus, pw_plus_max, pw_plus_min, pw_plus_avg, pw_plus_rms, pw_minus_max, pw_minus_min, pw_minus_avg, pw_minus_rms

Overshoot, Undershoot

overshoot, undershoot.


crestfactor, formfactor, distortion, fundamentalmag, delaytime, risetime, deadtime, settlingtime,


iae, ise, itae, itse


per, pmax, pmin, prms


xdb10bandwidth, xdb20bandwidth, lSidelobeX, lSidelobeY, rSidelobeX, rSidelobeY

Given a selected Function, and Category, the Add Trace dialog displays a text field that explains the Purpose of the function. For a full list of functions and their definitions, see Selecting a Function.

5. Some categories and functions call for you to specify one or two additional values in a table. You can save these values using the Default button.

6. Click the Add button to add the specified characteristics to the Trace.

To remove existing trace characteristics:

1. Select a trace in a report plot or legend.

2. Click Report 2D>Trace Characteristics, or right-click on the selected trace to display the short cut menu.

3. Select Trace Characteristics>Clear All

Trace characteristics are clear from the selected trace.

Related Topics

Working with Traces

Selecting a Function

Adding Data Markers to Traces