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Use PO Solver for HFSS-IE Solve Setup

HFSS-IE includes a Physical Optics (PO) solver for use with for metallic designs with a plane incident wave or a far field wave. This solver provides first-order scattering information, an approximate RCS. If that result is not accurate enough (for example, for a backlobe calculation), you can use the regular HFSS-IE solver. The types of reports are the same; it is the accuracy that changes. When selected, it solves for only one pass, performing no adaptive refinement.

Dielectric materials are not allowed with the PO solver. PEC and finite conducting objects yields the same answers. The design cannot contain an Infinite Ground Plane or an Aperture Boundary condition. If the design contains any conducting boundary other than PEC, for example: Finite Conductivity, Impedance, Lumped RLC or Layered Impedance, then a warning message says that "The PO solver only handles PEC boundaries; all other boundary conditions, including finite conductivity, will be treated as PEC."

You control the option by using the Use PO Solver radio button on the Solve Options tab of the HFSS-IE Solution Setup. Select Use Advanced Options to enable the radio buttons. You can select either Use Distributed Memory IE Solver or the Use PO Solver option.


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