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qsub Arguments

The PBS qsub command has a large number of options for control of the submission process. In this section, we review the -l nodes=value command line option with Ansoft parallel batch jobs.

This option or directive has the following format:

-l nodes=node_spec[+node_spec...][#suffix]

where node_spec is one of the following


Host name of the specified node, followed by optional ppn or cpp specifiers.


Optional number of nodes, followed by optional node properties, followed by optional ppn or cpp specifiers. If the number N is omitted, then the default value of 1 host is used.

Here, the optional ppn or cpp specifiers pc_spec are of form:


Number of processes (tasks) per node. Default is 1 if not specified.


Number of CPUs (threads) per process. Default is 1 if not specified.

The optional global suffix, #suffix, which applies to all hosts has one of the following values:


This suffix requests exclusive access to the allocated nodes.


This suffix requests shared (i.e., non-exclusive) access to the allocated nodes.

The total number of requested processes is determined by adding up the product of the number of nodes and the number of processes per node for each node_spec. In general, this should match the number of distributed engines specified in the Ansoft desktop -Machinelist num=num_distributed_engines command line option.

The number of CPUs per process (cpp) specified in the PBS qsub command line or in the PBS directives in the script file should generally match the number of processors per engine specified in the Desktop -batchoptions value. Both the NumberOfProcessors and NumberOfProcessorsDistributed should match the PBS cpp value.

See the PBS documentation for a complete list of options for the bsub command, and further information on running multi-node jobs.

Related Topics

Integration with PBS (Portable Batch System) Professional from Altair Engineering

Monitoring Ansoft PBS Batch Jobs

Example PBS qsub Command Lines

Example PBS qsub Command Lines