關(guān)于向CST MWS里導(dǎo)入PCB的問題
最近公司給我一個(gè)任務(wù),要我測(cè)試一個(gè)已投入使用的PCB板的電磁兼容性并給出可行的修改建議。之前我沒有用過CST PCB STUDIO, 參考了Help content后開始上手,覺得遠(yuǎn)沒有MWS來的復(fù)雜和多變,但是還是有問題出現(xiàn)了。
1:關(guān)于把PCB模型導(dǎo)入到PCB時(shí),總顯示導(dǎo)入失?。@示文件夾為空),對(duì)方公司提供的是用mental graphic expedetion設(shè)計(jì)的12層PCB板,在查閱貴版的過往帖子時(shí),我看到過一個(gè)關(guān)于PCB的帖子,說的是好像是大于6層以上的PCB就不能導(dǎo)入PCB STUDIO了,而是要導(dǎo)入MWS,請(qǐng)問是這樣的嗎?
2: 當(dāng)我導(dǎo)入到MWS時(shí),步驟是MWS-->FILE--->IMPORT--->EDA--->ODB++, 然后這時(shí)顯示出了PCB文件。大家都知道,為了減少計(jì)算時(shí)間,在保證精度的情況下,能適當(dāng)減少mesh數(shù)量是一個(gè)很好的選擇,而在最終導(dǎo)入到working pad前,會(huì)有一個(gè)選項(xiàng)?。篶reate a selection area, 點(diǎn)擊這個(gè)后,會(huì)出現(xiàn)一個(gè)對(duì)話框include shapes with distance,此時(shí),我的問題也來了,當(dāng)我輸入一個(gè)數(shù)值,并點(diǎn)擊OK后,CST 就沒有響應(yīng)了,我最長(zhǎng)等過一天一夜,還是沒有反應(yīng)。請(qǐng)問大家知道這是為什么嗎?另外,大家如果知道如何選取整個(gè)PCB的一部分,然后導(dǎo)入的話,請(qǐng)不吝賜教,小弟感謝萬分。
Hi, guys!
Im sorry for explaining my question to you in English because of the my company limitations.. Recently, I've met a problem of importing a PCB (designed by Mental Graphic Expedition )to the CST PCB studio, as the software always warned me with the reason of wrong path and empty folder. Then, I chose to import the PCB model to the CST Micro Wave studio directly and everything was fine until I reached the step of "create a selected area". As everyone knows, to import an entire PCB model to the CST MWS and start the simulation would cost a huge calculation time, and that's why we had such option of reducing the size of PCB model and selecting only the expected area. Ok, when I click "create a selected area" and then a dialog would be poped out and it was "include the distance to the desire trace"(something like that , i cant remember precisely). I inputed a value and click "OK", and now the sofeware would have no response and this situation would last for a day (the longest time i've waited for). I dont know what I've done wrong but if someone here could solve my problem, I would be really grateful!
I will attach a graph of working sheet in order to make my question more clear!
Thank you all guys in advance
Thank you guys!
The CST German headquarter has sent their contactor to my company just now and these two problems has been solved.
1: About importing the PCB to MWS
He confirmed that it was avaliable to import a PCB with less than 6 layers to the PCB STUDIO for simulations only, and it's better to import it to MWS if you want to do a simulation with a PCB which has more than 6 layers. In my case, the PCB which was designed by Mental Graphic Expedetion should be imported to PCB STUDIO by selecting the path "SIMLAB", NOT "Mental Graphic Expedetion", OR else you can not find the PCB file from the "Mental Graphic Expedetion" folder...
2: When you import the PCB model to the MWS, and if you want to select a small specific area, you should
a: Activate the option "restrict to selected area",
b: Moving your mouse to the PCB graphs showed on the right side and right click,
Now you will see several options. select the option"NEW RECTANGULAR SELECTION", up to now, you can hold the left click and drag the mouse right side down to choose the area you want. (Right click on the other parts outside of the selected area to deavtivate the selected area)
I know it is an individual case which represents little, but I think it is somehow useful if some fresh guys want to use CST to do some simulations of PCB, and sometimes those details of operation are the fundamental steps of using CST. aren't they?:)
Thank you guys again!
There're also graphes for the second question.
Thanks a lot for your kindly concern, the machine was bought in 2005
500G hard disk, the PCB file (in the form odb++) is 15M
I forgot to attach the graph. In fact, the contactor told me that the machine was good enough to run the CST and bascially the shortage of virtual memory would not happen. He only suggested to run less processes while the simulation was on...
無語ing O__O"…