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About ADS 2008 Release

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    Also,Genesys 2008.01 released.

    Release Highlights - Genesys 2008.01

    Completely New

    Momentum GX Momentum GX now supports producing Far Field patterns and Antenna characteristics calculation (see two examples demonstrating this in MomentumGX/Antennas).

    A new option to automatically reconnect and center layout before running allows optimizations and sweeps to be run while changing line lengths and widths (see the example MomentumGX\MomentumGX evaluations.wsx).

    Mesh reduction can be defined in Momentum GX properties.

    Momentum GX:   » Product Details

    Search Path for Libraries In this release, you can now select a set of libraries that will be automatically searched if an object has no library reference name. This applies to symbols and models as well as substrates and all other objects that can come from libraries.

    The Library Manager has been enhanced to support checking libraries on/off for the search set. It also enables you to order libraries so they are searched in a specific order.

    For example, if you have a library "MyModels" that you have been using for your models, you might just want to add it to the Designs search path and then you can refer to your models by short-name rather than short-name@MyModels.

    The Equation Search Path is used with the M Language function call support - which can select functions from libraries using the search path.

    Math Language Equations Genesys now supports a second equation language. The language selection is done in the equation window by clicking the G button and picking Genesys Language or Math Language.

    The G language is our traditional Genesys Equation language.

    We do not have much documentation on the new Math equation language but it helps to be familiar with .M-file programming. The Math equation language does not have the concept of sweeps, dependent, and independent variables. The Math language supports basic network TCP/IP communications for controlling and reading instruments.

    Interactive Annotation Widgets Slider that can be placed on a schematic, live report or graph that allows for tuning of parameters (see example Tutorial\Slider Controls.wsx).

    Button that can be placed on a schematic, live report or graph to run a script (see example Tutorial\Command Btn Example.wsx).

    Drag and Drop Support for drag and drop from workspace tree of S-Data datasets and designs into a schematic to be used as sub-circuits
    Added "Preferred Symbol" selection for design

    Momentum GX Added "convert circular vias to squares" feature. Allows for reduction in memory usage
    Support layout element pad rotation to arbitrary angle
    Support of vias, connected box metal covers
    Support vias through air layers
    Support "angle resolution" for pads and rounded transmission lines

    Spectrasys Improved simulation speed by a factor of 2 or more
    New Frequency dependent attenuator model
    New Linear voltage and power gain only block models
    New non linear voltage and power based high and low order models. These models support reverse intermod generation
    Added 12 new equation based measurements which use only the user entered stage information and are the same as traditional calculations used in spreadsheets
    Added self mixing capability to the basic mixer
    Added new IPSAT and OPSAT measurements
    Added ability to only store power, voltage, or both groups of measurements in path datasets
    Added ability for the user to select signals within a given range of a peak signal for intermod generation
    Added system simulation information to simulation log

    Graph Can directly tell graph a measurement to use as the independent (x-axis)
    Allow drawing in stages. Will speed up operations that redraw multiple times (optimizations, sweeps, re-size, zooming ...). Option to turn this off in global options
    Data reduction when number of data points is large (speed up for drawing, tooltips and overall response)

    Optimization Added Delta selection and set to 1e-5 for Optimizations to improve gradient optimization of linear circuits
    Approximately 30% speedup with frequency dependent linear circuits

    Linear Added new symbols for S data models
    Added 1 and 2 port S data parts
    Added subcircuit part
    Added new S data and subcircuit parts to linear toolbar

    General Directly edit model name and symbol name on a Part Parameters properties page.
    Major changes to the way connectors (wires) connect after a drag to ensure connector points are consistent with standard schematic practice
    Equations on same level of hierarchy can now always see each other's variables
    Toolbar button on main toolbar to allow hide/show dockers (simulation log, workspace tree...)
    Mouse wheel now scrolls for schematic, live report and layout. Ctrl+Mousewheel zooms. Settable in Tools / Options
    Improved Add New Variable to dataset (can now dbl-click empty area to add a var, custom dlg title support)
    User-specified Frequency Units are now used when creating new F variable
    Support copy/paste of a graph to metafile from Live Report
    Ability to browse for VA models from Part Parameter, Change Model
    Rectangular selection tool no longer includes sch part text in its page bounds test (only symbol body needs to be surrounded to include part in selection)
    Reassigned hotkey 'D' in schematic to Nonlinear Diode

    Model Improvements CCCoupler1Model for DC
    Sign of PTF parameter of nonlinear BJT models
    Noise for MOSFET
    Changed minimum value of Rd from 0.01 to 0.001 Ohms, to support power MOSFETs
    Fixed nonzero bulk resistances error for transient and HB simulations
    Implemented noise analysis
    Fixed VCVS model (disconnected -In and -Out)

    Tables Support user-selectable display units
    Now save auto-sized column widths when the table window is closed

    Harbec Added new dataset variable IPORT - port injected currents
    Implemented new function calculating Large S parameters largeS, largeSmix, largeSconv

    Layout Support any port location in footprint pad area, including edges

    » top of list

    Defect Fixes
    General Fixed several issues with S parameter use and importing
    Fixed an issue with Graph properties sending keyboard focus to a new empty row
    Tables now save auto-sized column widths when the table window is closed
    Fixed a bug when loading compiled VerilogA models that don't have a .va file (ie just a .cml file)
    Error log popup no longer steals keyboard from equation window
    User-specified units (in dataset vars) are now preserved for Linear F, S, and ZPORT when Analysis is re-run
    Repaired an issue when simulating shorted parts
    The 'using' function for Genesys language now works when called many times in the same script with different values

    Momentum GX EMport auto width
    Allow using metal covers for via metal layers
    Resolved polygon holes
    Fixed stripline bend 0 angle - it was creating the wrong layout
    Use 0 thickness for lossless metal
    Implemented pad rotation
    Added box mode bounds check
    Fixed Momentum vias created using Z-dir metal layers, connected to metal covers
    Improve placing of box walls & conductor layers intersection points in the box contour
    Implemented angle resolution for pads and round line ends
    Defined Momentum sheet model for strip metal
    Fixed viahole masks overlapping
    Use zero thickness for lossless metal layers
    Fixed box mode simulation (included box wall intersection points with layer metal objects to the box walls contour)
    Fixed port impedances list in EM simulators dialog options

    Spectrasys Changed the definition of P1dB to be consistent with the industry standard
    Drastically improved ability to abort simulations during calculations
    Improved the accuracy of the IP1DB and OP1DB measurements
    Improved spectrum identification readability
    Fixed an issue when the VNI measurement was used on the non voltage based mixers
    Cleaned several typos and improved the readability of the help documents
    Auto-scale not being saved for a level diagram is fixed

    WhatIF Fixed missing Mx1 degenerate spurs from both analysis and synthesis modes. Fixed units in flyovers and on graphs

    Linear Added several error messages to help user track down S data file errors
    Renamed S data parts to be easier to find and search on in the part selector
    Improved usability of S data
    Fixed a file not found issue with S data in the same directory as the workspace
    Improved linear documentation

    http://eesof.tm.agilent.com/supp ... istory_2008_01.html
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    And AMDS 2007.5.

    Release Information
    AMDS 2007.1
    The first release of AMDS.
    AMDS 2007.2
    Released February 2007.
    New Features
    New features for AMDS 2007.2 include:
    A 64-bit simulator
    The 32-bit simulator makes use of SSE2
    Improved capability for importing and exporting CAD formats
    Improvements to the GUI interface
    Improved simulator function
    Improved uninstall feature (uninstalling AMDS no longer adversely impacts ADS/EMDS installations).
    AMDS 2007.3
    Released April 2007.
    New Features
    New features for AMDS 2007.3 include:
    Calibrated ports
    Voltage/current measurement
    Automated multi-port S-parameter simulations
    Mesh view plane indicators in cross-section
    Directivity and total gain plots
    AMDS 2007.4
    Released July 2007.
    New Features
    New features for AMDS 2007.4 include:
    Evaluating Hearing Aid Compatibility
    New simulation control functionality
    Touchstone export
    AMDS 2007.5
    Released January 2008.
    New Features
    New features for AMDS 2007.4 include:
    Python scripting for geometry creation, excitation setup, simulation control, post-processing, user interface creation.

    (2008-02-11 21:58:56, Size: 308 KB, Downloads: 17)

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