Implanted PIFA antennas
dear friends
I performed a simulation for a PIFA antenna embedded in a tissue model.this antenna designed for 402-405MHz but I face with a bad S_Parameter result.
how can I improve it?
I attached the antenna configuration and the properties of the tissue.
It's so urgent for me.
Dear Charles.l
Thanks for your reply.
I'm so confused because I think it's better to resonate at 402-405MHz(i.e medical frequency band)with -10dB of S11,is'nt it?
Dear friend
I just want to know how can I improve my S-parameter result?
in the below picture you can see thecorrect result and my results together.
the first one is the correct result and the second one is my result.
it shouldbe work in 402-405MHz.(i.e -10dB S parameter should be in this frequency band)
so,how can I improve it?
I think that you can chage the locations of short point and feed point .Try it.
Dear james
the positions of the feeding and short pin are as the below picture
do you think that it may be wrong?
anyway, thanks for your view.
I do my best and change the short pin and feeding together and report the result.
I used a parametric sweep and changed the short pin location and then got the following result :
I think it's a good resonating for 402-405MHz.
but there is another important question,yet.
in the main reference in which I found this antenna the location of short pin is not a correct location
why thewriters of that paper determine the short pin location dishonesty?
Do I make a mistake?樓主你這個問題解決了嗎?沒有的話,能把你的附件改成ZIP格式嗎?
The problem has solved.
Thanks to all the dear friends.